Decai Shares to promote the old Laixi City block environment improvement project

Urban renewal and urban development are related to people's well-being and the future of the city. In recent years, Qingdao has vigorously promoted urban renewal and urban construction, and constantly improved the level of urban livability and business, and the sense of gain and happiness of the masses. Decai Shares actively establish benchmarks for livelihood projects, with EPC model as the base, high standards and high quality to promote the 2023 old district environment improvement project in Laixi City.

1、Safety first, standardized construction

Before the renovation of the facade of the community

After the renovation of the facade of the community

The project covers 12 communities in Laixi City, involving more than 2,000 households, with a large construction area and large project volume. Before construction, the project team carried out dangerous building investigation on all the buildings, counted the houses with security risks, and carried out household visits and investigations, listened to public opinions, and accurately customized construction plans. At the same time, adhere to the template first standardized construction, through the confirmation of material samples, process samples, sample sections, sample buildings, to ensure the quality of construction, to avoid subsequent risks in the batch construction process.

2、Adopt precise measures in accordance with local conditions

Before the district road reconstruction

After the district road reconstruction

3、Effectiveness first, optimize the process

In order to avoid the unnecessary impact of major demolition and construction on residents' lives, the project team conducted a comprehensive survey and carried out rectification according to local conditions, such as discussing the necessity of renovating stairway handrails, community pavement and greening conditions, etc., with the purpose of meeting residents' demands, only partial space was repaired. In order to meet the renovation needs of old residential areas, the project construction reduction and project impact reduction are realized.
Before and after slope roof repair

Before the renovation of community access control

Afterf the renovation of community access control

The project team is constantly looking for process optimization paths and actively using new materials and new processes to reduce construction processes. For example, in the roofing waterproofing process, the abandonment needs to remove the original insulation layer, and instead carry out repair and repair on the basis of the original insulation layer, and use double-layer SBS sandstone waterproofing and other methods for construction. The use of the new scheme reduces the risk of roof leakage and saves a lot of construction costs.
The renovation of old urban communities is of great significance to meet the people's needs for a better life, benefit people's livelihood, expand domestic demand, and promote high-quality economic development. Decai Shares will continue to give full play to its own advantages, strive to achieve independent innovation in engineering construction, promote urban renewal construction to a new level, and further build an ecological, beautiful and livable city.

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